When posting your unit for rent through our Club website or through an alternative platform, please be sure you are in compliance with the Clubs By-Laws. The Club offers one type of Membership Transfer Only. We do not offer social, or partial membership transfers.
Transfer of Memberships:
Common Area: Pools, Fitness Center, The Lodge, Tennis including the Golf Courses. All owner amenities, including charging privileges, will be suspended while a Transfer Member is active.
Without the Transfer of Membership Leasees/Renters will be considered Guests of the Members.
There is a $500 non-refundable and non-transferrable transfer fee which should be paid to Heritage Palms Golf & Country Club. The fee is payable by check (US funds only) or may be placed on either the Owner or Transfer Member’s charging account. Transfer Membership can only be assigned to (2) adults, and not shared with multiple people.
Clubs Leasing Policy
S.17 Leasing of Living Units, Room Rentals No Living Unit may be leased or rented for a period of less than twenty-eight (28) consecutive days, and no Living Unit or any part thereof may be leased, rented, or occupied (except in respect to short term Guests) by more than one Family. Neighborhood Covenants may establish stricter standards for leasing, renting or occupancy of Living Units than standards provided by the Governing Documents.
Pets & Animals
5.18 Pets of lessees are not allowed except (i) in Single Family Homes with the express written permission of the subject Owner or (ii) in Villas with the express permission of the subject Owner and if not in violation of any applicable Neighborhood Covenant. Service, Therapy and Emotional Support Animals must be registered with the Club and must comply at all times with all Rules established by the Club and as same may be amended from time to time for such animals.